Saturday, 26 February 2011

We All Scream!

Just so everyone knows, Alison and I booked the recording studio for Tuesday afternoon, 1 to 3PM. Make sure to have your creepy switched on, we'll be recording screams and whispers! : D


Monday, 21 February 2011

Hey look, I can CG with the big kids now.

We learned to animate things in SoftImage a few weeks ago, and this was the lesson piece. Simple enough for anyone who is decent at AfterEffects or Adobe Flash since the basic principles were the same.

Then we got our homework.

I feel like this was Jon's secret way of telling us, "Go outside~... Enjoy the sun while it's there!"

Haha, anyway, this did help me figure on thing out. It's near impossible to use this software correctly without a mouse. (Which I now have one, yay.) Beyond that, it was again fairly straightforward. I also tried to give the objects a bit more of a realistic feel with little rollbacks and realistic timings (slow pull back on the hammer with a quick attack). Hopefully that came across.

The slide homework, however, needs more than a little work. The timings all weird and the angle is impossible to work with. Now that I have a mouse, however, I should be able to fix this easily. Wish me luck! I'll post the finished product here as soon as possible.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

SoftImage is being funny.

It won't let me export anything in a Quicktime format or anything for that matter.

I'll probably upload the initial video that we did in class.

Free software, man. Sheesh.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Testing! Testing!

Houston, we have lift-off.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Just downloaded an app so I can blog on the go.

Now I have no excuse to not blog to this quite frequently.

I'm going to be held to that aren't I.

Set Sail!

Alrighty, this is all done up. Time to get this thing rolling.

Don't hesitate to comment on anything I post.
